Give to IRUSA

Yusuf Hassabelnaby

I Need YOUR Help

Please help me support Islamic Relief USA's Programs by making a donation through my page. The process is fast, easy and secure. Thanks so much for your support... and please don't forget to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating!

As much as we’ve been able to achieve in helping our neighbors in need, there is still so much more to do. If we work together—with YOU—we can make the vision of a better living condition for our vulnerable community members a reality.

$1,000 can help support a free health clinic

$250 can provide our Disaster Response Team with the resources they need to respond swiftly during emergencies

$50 can provide a food package to a family in need for Ramadan

Please donate now and help break the chains of poverty and pain for our most-vulnerable neighbors.

Help me keep someone fed, safe, and warm this winter.

No one should go to bed COLD and HUNGRY!






of your goal reached

More About IRUSA

Islamic Relief USA currently provides aid in more than 40 countries, including the United States. See our Where We Work section for more details.

To implement work around the world, the Islamic Relief global family has field offices (sometimes, multiple offices in the same country) based on need and location. In addition to the field offices, independent Islamic Relief affiliates operate in 16 countries along with the United States. These offices plan widespread relief efforts, provide funding, and implement domestic projects. Learn more on our Affiliates and Alliances page.

My Supporters

  • Facebook Donor May 2023 $48.00
  • Facebook Donor May 2023 $20.00
  • Mostafa Shalaby Happiest birthday to you my dear friend and brother! Mostafa, Hiba & the kids April 2023 $100.00
  • Anonymous April 2023
  • Facebook Donor April 2023 $10.00
  • Mostafa Shalaby Happiest birthday to you my dear friend and brother! Mostafa, Hiba & the kids April 2023 $100.00
  • Aly Taha April 2023 $100.00
  • Facebook Donor May 2023 $48.00
  • Yusuf Hassabelnaby April 2023 $25.00
  • Facebook Donor May 2023 $20.00

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